Heirloom Tomato Time & Spring Mini Flower & Photography Show
May 7 @ 7:30 pm - 9:00 pm
An heirloom tomato is an open-pollinated, non-hybrid heirloom cultivar of tomato. They are classified as family heirlooms, commercial heirlooms, mystery heirlooms, or created heirlooms. They usually have a shorter shelf life and are less disease resistant than hybrids. They are grown for various reasons: for food, historical interest, access to wider varieties, and by people who wish to save seeds from year to year, as well as for their taste.
Suzy Gabany, self proclaimed “Tomato Lady” will join us May 7th to talk all things tomato!
Also being held this evening is the Spring Mini Flower & Photography show-watch this space for more info as it becomes available.