Cobourg Garden Club Code of Conduct
The Cobourg Garden Club (CGC) believes in the right of all its members to be treated with
dignity and respect. The CGC operates under a zero-tolerance policy with regard to
harassment and discrimination from both its membership as well as its Board of Directors. All
members of the CGC are responsible for identifying and addressing any attitude, behaviour or
communication which undermines the dignity, self-esteem, and/or security of any member.
Such attitudes and behaviours will not be tolerated, and as a result, the offending member will
be asked to leave the immediate situation until a more permanent decision can be taken. There
will be no exception to this policy. We are proud to be a club where all members are respected
and are made to feel safe in a non-threatening, supportive, and non-hostile environment.
Should an issue arise with any member or Board Member that goes against this Code of
Conduct, it should be reported to the President, who in consultation with the Board Executive
will make a final decision on the matter.