On July 6th, our membership celebrated the 165th Anniversary of the Cobourg Garden Club on a glorious, sunny day in a beautiful garden owned by two of our members.
Members of council-Miriam Mutton and Randy Barber as well as Mayor Cleveland were in attendance, with Mayor Cleveland saying a few words of appreciation for all the Club does for the community.
We honoured and acknowledged our 4 Life Members: Ann Hancock, Sarah Holland, Malcolm McDonald and Audrey Wilson and thanked them for their innumerable contributions to the club over the years.
Light refreshments and cake were served – and we all enjoyed the wonderful music supplied by The Corktown Fiddlers.
Profound thanks go to our hosts Wendy Sheppard and Tony Walker for donating the use of their stunning garden. And of course, the dedication and commitment of the Party Committee must be acknowledged as well: Dianne Taylor (Chair), Glenis Burnie, Isabel Goodman, Nancy Grenier, Theresa Herron, Yvonne Michalski, Grace Osmond, Barb Robbins & Bonnie Young.