The Cobourg Garden Club (AKA the Cobourg Horticultural Society) is a community based group of members devoted to sharing their love of gardening and all other aspects of horticulture. The Club advocates sound environmental practices and provides educational opportunities for its members through a variety of horticultural activities and projects. Additionally it provides a welcoming venue for all who enjoy gardening, who want to learn in a friendly setting and recognizes that an interest in gardening may grow into a passion if nurtured!
We respectfully acknowledge that The Cobourg Garden Club meets and gardens on the traditional territory of the Mississauga, Saagiig, and Chippewa Nations collectively known as the Williams Treaties First Nations which have been and remain vigilant stewards and caretakers of these lands and waters.
2024 Holiday Gathering
Learn More: 2024 Holiday GatheringDespite the stormy weather, we managed get a good group of our members on the evening of December 4th. There were many donated treasures at the Toonie Sale and, thanks
D4 Fall Seminar, 2024
Learn More: D4 Fall Seminar, 2024Members of the Cobourg Garden club recently attended the D4 Fall Seminar held in Minden Ontario. The volunteers from the Minden & District Horticultural Society were incredibly gracious hosts-taking care
Summer Flower, Fruit, Veg & Photography Show
Learn More: Summer Flower, Fruit, Veg & Photography ShowWhat a wonderful day was had by all-guests, exhibitors, volunteers and Board Members. A record number of exhibitors and exhibits saw stunning flowers, formidable vegetables and whimsical floral designs. Our